media darling

a personal record of how different forms of media and their content affect me (a college student)

Media tells us: Don’t Vote!! October 2, 2008

Please watch this awesome video!

This is the most hysterical and influential voting campaign I have ever seen. I really believe that this type of humor-involved swaying method will work better than P.Diddy‘s “Vote or Die” campaign, which was great. This video has some of the biggest names and faces in the entertainment industry and seeks out to make anyone and everyone register and vote. This video is currently on which is the perfect outlet for the demographic they are trying to reach, and I hope it expands to more places as soon as possible.

The public service announcement pleads with young people to not vote, brilliantly creating a reverse psychology that will make them want to vote. Leonardo DiCaprio produced the PSA, which was released yesterday, and enlisted the help of several stars such as Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Tobey Maguire, Eva Longoria Parker, Ellen DeGeneres, Forest Whitaker, Dustin Hoffman, Demi Moore, Sarah Silverman, Jonah Hill, Ashton Kutcher, Courteney Cox, Laura Linney, Natalie Portman, Jamie Foxx, Usher, Kyra Sedgwick and The cast of this short clip is amazing and bound to make some influence.

Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill

Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman

Actors Jonah Hill and Sarah Silverman add sporadic and ridiculous comedy to the video peppered amongst the other stars’ harsh sarcasm.

I love it when the media gets this witty and sarcastic because this is the type of thing that gets responses from the hardest people to push, mostly lazy college students like myself that think they don’t have a voice in politics. This is such a crucial time to get people to start moving and educate themselves on their choices for their future, and I’m ecstatic to see the media helping in a unique and innovative way.